Which among the following factors facilitated the readmission of extr...
- The Indian National Congress's Lucknow session presided over by a Moderate, Ambika Charan Majumdar, finally readmitted the Extremists led by Tilak to the Congress fold.
- Various factors facilitated this reunion: (i) Old controversies had become meaningless now. (ii) Both the Moderates and the Extremists realized that the split had led to political inactivity. (ii) Annie Besant and Tilak had made vigorous efforts for the reunion. To allay Moderate suspicions, Tilak had declared that he supported a reform of the administration and not an overthrow of the government. He also denounced acts of violence. (iv) The death of two Moderates, Gokhale and Pherozshah Mehta, who had led the Moderate opposition to the Extremists, facilitated the reunion.
Which among the following factors facilitated the readmission of extr...
Factors facilitating the readmission of extremists to Congress:
1. Realization of political inactivity:
- Both the moderates and extremists realized that the split between the two factions had led to political inactivity.
- The division had weakened the Indian National Congress and hindered its effectiveness in achieving its goals.
- The moderates, who advocated for a gradual and constitutional approach towards achieving self-rule, recognized the need for unity within the Congress to counter the repressive policies of the British government.
2. Tilak's support for the overthrow of the government:
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak, one of the prominent leaders of the extremist faction, declared his support for the process of overthrowing the British government.
- Tilak believed that the use of militant and revolutionary means was necessary to achieve independence for India.
- This stance appealed to the growing dissatisfaction among the Indian masses, who were increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress under the moderate leadership.
3. Tilak's denouncement of violence:
- Despite advocating for revolutionary means, Tilak also denounced acts of violence.
- He emphasized the importance of peaceful and non-violent methods in the struggle for independence.
- This moderation in his approach helped bridge the gap between the extremist and moderate factions, as it aligned with the principles and values of the moderate leaders.
The readmission of extremists to Congress was facilitated by a combination of factors. The realization of political inactivity, Tilak's support for the overthrow of the government, and his denouncement of violence played significant roles in bringing the two factions back together. The moderates recognized the need for unity and the extremists' willingness to engage in political activities within the Congress, while Tilak's moderate stance on violence helped bridge the ideological divide between the factions.